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Old 14 April 2016, 20:17   #258
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Join Date: Mar 2014
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The last 2.7.11dev binary for OSX PPC 10.5.8 is available in The Zone!

I have updated the developer tools to last GCC 5.3 (from MacPorts, as usual) and the build steps are more or less the same as before, here is what need to be done if you want to build it on yourself.

Download the latest FS-UAE source from official GIT repository and then edit the file shortening this line

OS_LDFLAGS="-headerpad_max_install_names -pagezero_size 0x2000 -rpath @executable_path/../Frameworks"

to this:

OS_LDFLAGS="-headerpad_max_install_names -pagezero_size 0x2000"

then, back to terminal:


after the script finished its job type the following lines

export SDL2_CFLAGS="-I/Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/Headers"
export SDL2_LIBS="-F/Library/Frameworks -framework SDL2"
export CC="gcc-mp-5"
export CFLAGS="-g -O2 -maltivec -mabi=altivec"
export CPP="gcc-mp-5 -E"
export CXX="g++-mp-5"
export CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -maltivec -mabi=altivec"

./configure --disable-jit

cd dist/macosx

After a while the build process will exit with an error related to SDL2 location so you have manually to copy the SDL2 binary from their respective frameworks in the FS-UAE/Contents/Frameworks located in the FS-UAE bundle

back to terminal you must enter in the subdirectory containing the FS-UAE bundle and then typing:


this for put the pieces together and blessing the bundled frameworks with right permissions.

EDIT: The emulator works fine but the OSD menu text and floppy sounds are completely disappeared. The Cmd+F12 combination works as usual but there is no side text on screen.

Last edited by SnakeCoils; 14 April 2016 at 21:02.
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