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Old 25 March 2016, 21:31   #18
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Originally Posted by matthey View Post
Some people would say the fps games at 640x480x16 and less than 100 fps are completely rubbish too. Sometimes there is simple rendering and modelling that are useful (certainly more useful than most games). There is some useful productivity software for the Amiga that uses floating point. They probably aren't going to beat major productivity software on other platforms but they may still be useful and even good at some things. Most of the old software can be found for cheap or free. We can compile most software with old and new compilers if the hardware is compatible with existing Amigas. As outdated as the Amiga is in performance, the 68k+FPU is an adequate standard architecture for most modern software.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a great FPU with maximum compatibility in Apollo but if we have to make a choice Id like to look at real world use case to know what to prioritize. And I have a feeling that games will be used 10 to 1 compared to productivity software that uses FPU.
But if we can have it all, that would be fantastic. 👍
I hope we'll hear some good news about the FPU soon.
I'm not expecting a Quake port specifically for Apollo like the one on Atari Falcon where this guy swapped some FP stuff to run on the DSP.. 😃
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