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Old 21 March 2016, 23:51   #9
Posts: n/a
Hello All!

First of all please accept my apologies for not putting any information, screens, progress update about my game in this topic for... 2,5 years. I simply started threads about game that I'm working on, on too many websites (for example mentioned on first post Facebook or IndieDB) and didn't manged to handle with all of them. I'm really sorry for that.

Nevertheless, I would like to let you know, that I finished my game. (as a simple kindly reminder I will just say, that The Miners, is my remake of Diggers). Finally, after more than 4 years of development. I spent lot of my free time to finish this game and to polish it as much as I can. I'm very happy from the final effect and hope that players will appreciate my work.

Please see below game trailer to see how the game look like.

[ Show youtube player ]

Game is not available for download yet. It has been submitted recently to a Steam Greenlight and it is awaiting community votes. If you like my project, please visit game Steam account - you will find there detailed description and screenshots which are in much better quality than provided trailer.

The Miners on Steam Greenlight

If you still like my project could you please vote on YES? Thank you very much in advance!

Three game screenshots to have a quick view on it:

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