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Old 15 March 2016, 10:57   #19
majsta's Avatar
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Location: Banjaluka/Republic of Srpska
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Hi, all let me try to clarify few things. Porting Apollo to Vampire500 V2 goes nicely but no matter how everyone things that regarding that part A500 and A600 are the same this is not true. There is a lot more to do. Also IDE or any other port there can be used for anything, so again IDE is nothing, simple header with few other parts connected to FPGA. Clockport or whatever can be created from it. Why I won't do it. Simply because creating PCMCIA on A500 or clockport or even Zorro expansions does not give us anything. It is simple so no challenge to even start. We can accomplish much more with simple SPI connection those days. Who will ever use IDE when we get microSD working probably 10X faster than IDE? Situation now is that only me working on V500 but that will change in next few days. As for ethernet, for now I have no desire to do it
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