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Old 01 March 2016, 19:41   #188
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Originally Posted by Retro-Nerd View Post
Now you are being funny. I hope you don't compare specific cszutom arcade game hardware from the 90s with a computer which was build in 1985. Despite that the Amiga is capable of doing full 50fps in arcade quality and proved it often enough.
Do you mean yourself or Denis? Can't tell something about your programmer skills but Denis has a dangerous superficial knowledge about technical aspects. I don't mean it the harsh way but it is the truth.
What proof are you talking about? There is no proof. Just referring to demos is simply not enough as almost every well known arcade classic of that era is not really portable to the Amiga.

Also "dangerous superficial technical knowledge" seem to be very a high level skill I'll never have. But honestly, what are really talking about? Probably I am not educated enough to stand the point you're trying to make!?
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