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Old 24 February 2016, 12:43   #68
son of 68k
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Originally Posted by dlfrsilver View Post
ok, i'll do the necessary to send you the pre-translated text, on your side, what are the bugs that have no fix (the big one needing a correction is the eagle jump-down memory manager crashing bug).

Can you please list the said bugs that have no fix ?
I can't tell for sure that these bugs have no fix at all...
Some certainly have one. Some certainly don't. Some are hard to replicate, or even happened only once to me. Some are just minor annoyances.

So here's the full list (minus the well-known eagle bug ) :
- fought against madman ; he did an ice shower spell - got a crash
- graphical errors when passing doors or secret passages (sometimes we can see thru walls) ; even got crashes in luminor tower and dwarf mine
- sp-stealer seems to crash if there are no sp to steal (tried on "beast" in beasts cave and on a morag dragon)
- map view spell while in a camp gives an incorrect palette
- open button of the last "unannounced visitors" passage doesn't move graphically when pressed (another, wrong button, appears instead)
- happened that i got a big display corruption when not taking Tolimar's tools
- sometimes your horse disappears when taking a portal
- if you use a melee weapon then put a shooting weapon (in the inventory) but not change anything else, you'll not use any ammo
- some portals show wrong once repaired
- portal at 271,563 is graphically broken (even though it works fine)
- many shop open/close times are wrong, like "alchemistic accessories" supposed to be open 8am-8pm - but found closed at 18:45
- luminor tower : stairs lev 3 -> lev 2 puts the party at a wrong facing (bad direction)
- luminor tower, lev 3 : take Valdyn as the boss -> the ceiling disappears
- sansrie's temple : between levels 1 & 2, a stair is drawn the wrong way (stairs drawn as leading up in both sides)
- if you store some arrows in a chest and some part doesn't fit, the rest is lost
- if you re-explore the space ship after having moved, dirts appear in the left part of the automapper
- some texts are too long and displayed wrong, like "chambers of the head priest"
- sometimes the party can get stuck, like when Gadrin closes the door or at Nera's when the passage closes between the party ("jump" spell can work to move again, though)
- one of the Gadlon stairs is broken (goes in next level instead of back to the previous one) - iirc between lev 2 and ground floor
- "oops" music running in loop after killing S'Arin (small annoyance, ok)
- when the "antique object" has no charges left, both "charge item" and the enchantress say that it's fully loaded (= inappropriate message)
- several texts suppose the party leader is a male - not always right (i play with a female to be able to use sansrie's necklace)
- if you save right after having dismissed a party member (before replacing that member), things can go crazy (i've seen riddlemouth faces all over the place in some city, and another character may be deleted as well)
- when going out of a merchant's shop, you lose all the gold you can't carry - and without a warning
- you can no longer buy anything in a shop if you have more than 32767 gold (iirc you won't enter with more than that, but you can sell a few things and get more...)
- if you examine the paladin, it loads something but doesn't show any text - but there IS something in party_texts.amb for that
- levitate spell cast from a scroll gives a good old graphical display bug
- if you gain levels by giving water to the moranian, you don't know what levels you gained - as the object is still displayed on top of the text
- many plants on the forest moon don't work
- some plants on the forest moon aren't properly taken - one is taken and another disappears (try 94,218 / 66,277)
- sometimes monsters can go thru wall angles

This is what i have noted. I don't remember the exact details.

I can confirm that, while a text exists, Sandra never recognises Sabine when she's in the party. IIRC there are also quite a few other texts that are never displayed.

I suppose you have a fix for things such as Sansrie's tunnel key not working.
I have also not listed the things my own fixes remove, like Gryban not leveling up.
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