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Old 17 February 2016, 18:13   #20
Code Kitten
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Originally Posted by Amigajay View Post
It's ok guys, i totally respect Mike wanted me to take this down, i kinda expected it in a way, esp with social media and it was put around Twitter like mad on Monday, i guess my future releases will be more low key i.e my blog and this board!

Maybe he's waiting back to hear on takedown notices on the various dozen other sites hosting his games in adf and whd formats?!
He cannot be watching everything in real time.

This said, maybe he would be opened to the idea of an official release?
After all, you already did all the necessary work and all he'd need would be to sign a license deal where he would get x% of the sales you make

This would mean that you would then be selling CDs instead of ISOs so that is some extra work but maybe the guys who already distribute Tank Furry have the logistic need to organize it and you could get a deal with them?

This way everyone would be happy, not only would they have a Bitmap Brothers collection but it would be an official one. Also, the limited amount of sales would possibly incite Mike to be more tolerating.

Originally Posted by jotd View Post
I respect Mike but why the f**k doesn't he license his IP to real coders/designers who will expand the great titles: Chaos Engine, Gods, Cadaver ... specially because I'm sure level editors are still avail.
There was an interesting project on Gods in semi3D (seen on youtube): stopped.

What's the use of this IP since it does not sell too well except to enthousiasts...

(I hope I won't receive a takedown notice for my remakes!!)
I imagine his day to day job takes him already quite a bit of time that he does not have much free-neurons to allocate to this task. Which is why I think it would be worth for coders here to do some of that job for him and propose him the whole COTS package where the only thing he has to do is test the CD and sign the licensing deal.

Since the takedown already took place, there is now really nothing to lose by asking for an official deal.
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