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Old 09 February 2016, 12:31   #18
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Join Date: Feb 2016
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Posts: 196
The best chance for finding this disk is from an actual Amiga source and not from trawling the web. I have a very deep well here and I have yet to even to fire up my Checkmates or 1000s. There are also links through some of the other platforms. So building a steady picture from what we know to where we want to get is the only way to do this. I believe the route may be through ProTracker and the demo creator disks and the like. At some point certain fragments of the original will emerge through the debris. It is the nature of the process of retracing a path. An all too common challenge when using computers. The joy I have is that I have the disks, discs, computers for reference plus a rich source of contacts..... so I'll keep going.

My last post fixed a point in time and my current level of understanding.

The issue of the dates may give a false positive but as with many things you record and register and then compare. When a pattern starts to develop then you can start making a reasoned judgement.

PS I don't live in the world of internet research. I haven't got a digital amiga world and certainly don't live in one. I use the actual kit and have access to the original data on disk. It is the first point of salvaging the past for those that want to benefit in their internet fantasy worlds. I do this out of love for the Amiga.....

Happy days.
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