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Old 16 January 2016, 18:10   #72
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Left Alt works to switch between Joystick and DIGITAL mouse on Android. There's also a (hardcoded?) ANALOG mouse support in this emu, which is fixed always on the right analog stick on my Shield Portable. I mapped left mouse and right mouse to L and R shoulder buttons, and it works quite well to control the mouse that way with the right analog stick. The mouse speed slider also affects the sensitivity of this analog mouse, but the further I move the stick, the faster the pointer moves.

After fiddling with UAE4ARM some more, I am definitely experiencing the large audio lag of >200 ms on my Shield Portable that was mentioned before. This is a bit annoying because for example the sound of my bullets in Turrican comes too late after I press the button.

I already set sound buffer to minimum in the SDL settings and tried various settings in the sound menu. I hope anyone finds a way to improve this audio lag issue, because otherwise this is an almost perfect Amiga emulator - every game I throw at it works! I have other emulators with no audible lag, and even UAE4All2-SDL, which also uses SDL, has much less lag. So I am pretty sure it should be possible to fix it.
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