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Old 07 January 2016, 23:59   #158
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Amiga OS 3.1 Source code leaked yesterday

Wrong, the day that the Archive went up I contacted one of the Admins of Github who is a close personal friend. I told him about it, informed him that it may be an issue. I was told they had to wait for a takedown order. The day it was taken down was the day that they were informed formally.

Originally Posted by Olaf Barthel View Post
Ahem. Please do not assume that the people involved were negligent or otherwise unfit to attend to the task at hand.

When the leak occured, the contents of the archive had to be assessed: what had leaked, had the AmigaOS4 source code repository been compromised?.

Figuring out if the archive contents had proliferated was not straightforward, e.g. the data was repackaged and published under different names on other servers (and that did not include the various bittorrent seeders).

Then the archive contents wound up on GitHub at possible the worst time, on New Year's eve when it turned out nobody was "minding the store" and would take down the material. It took a week for that to happen.

A press release had to be prepared, too. Nobody likes to read them, but somebody has to make the best effort to explain the situation and the consequences. A thankless task, but still necessary.

The thing is, it is complicated, challenging and on more than one level unfair what fate throws at you at times. Best of luck to you that you may never have to face a challenge such as this.
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