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Old 04 January 2016, 21:22   #6
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It needs to be pretty fast and decent looking but not pointlessly flashy as to make it all slow. I usually think menu music is a bit pointless (especially CD tracks as they slow down disc access if you try to multitask-load), and having the game graphics displayed is not always necessary if that means things go really slow.
I think it'd be better if the system loaded off disc fast and could pull data from disc on request as it needed it, graphics included. But honestly even if there weren't any graphics, with a few icons and some nice fonts, I think it'd be great (and could run on a very low color count). Think of somethig like a media center interface and I think that's the way to go.

I have been working on concepts myself but as I am programming-impaired it hasn't moved much. I am willing to collaborate with any coder interested in making this happen in any thing regarding concept and UI/UX, so hit me up if you wanna go ahead and do something.

X-Bench looks OK but it's ultimately ridden of bloat we don't need (most graphics, music, a starfield scroller, another scroller, copper banding, i mean, it looks like a cracktro and I guess that's the idea, but I rather have something a lot more minimal but ultimately superfast)
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