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Old 17 May 2003, 03:59   #4
The Ancient One
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Kansas City/USA
Age: 69
Posts: 685
I'm not sure that there is a great deal of difference in the different joypads out there actually. I personally use a Gravis GamePad Pro (USB), and am quite pleased with it, even though it probably didn't cost me any more than $20 or so. Of course Microsoft makes a more expensive one, as does Logitech, and I'm sure that both are probably fine products. If you ignore price altogether though, IMHO the deciding factor in choosing a joypad should be whether it "feels right" to you. If it doesn't feel right, you won't be any happier with it because it was a bargain, nor will you be satisfied with it just because it's "the best". What matters is whether it feels natural enough to you that you'll be racking up some high scores with it.
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