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Old 18 May 2015, 09:58   #25
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Thanks for your work @lubomyr

Just another quick update using 18052015 on OUYA:

Issue when I move right using OUYA joypad in the MENU from RESET to EXIT to START, it freezes when I try moving from EXIT to START. I have to quit out.

HDF Files:
I cannot add a .HDF file. I can select the file in the directory I want, but I cannot add a Volume Name so when I click on OK it does nothing. If the on-screen Android keyboard appeared in Vomue Name I could tap in a name, is this possible to implement? I will try again this evening with a USB hub and keyboard to see if I can type in a name and re-try (I checked on a Samsung S3 and an on-screen keyboard appears, maybe I need to install an additional keyboard .APK on the OUYA?).

Also I cannot move the OUYA joystick to access 'Hard Drives' sub menu. I can move down the main menu, but cannot move 'right' into the sub-menu. Usually when you move 'right' into a sub-menu the top left button is highlighted, on 'Hard Drives' the buttons are bottom left 'Add Directory' & 'Add Hardfile'.

Many of the menu sub-menus have to be accurately 'clicked' on a certain location, not the middle of the button, the OUYA touchpad is pretty bad. Is there a way of making the 'activation' points larger?

Final question, on UAE4ALL2 mapping 'LALT' to L3 on the OUYA joypad swapped between Mouse & Joystick. Does UAE4ARM have this? I tried mapping, but there does not seem to be a 'on-screen' graphic to show the mouse/joypad switch like on UAE4ALL2.

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