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Old 27 April 2003, 00:20   #10
Give up the ghost
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Originally posted by jmmijo
Almost forgot to mention there are a numbe of third party partition/boot managers out there that will create a small menu/boot partition with a selection screen to choose which partition is to be marked active and booted from while hiding the other partitions automatically
Tell me more! I need to get my other machine setup so it can replace my existing piece of crap...essentially I can't decide which I hate more, W2k or W98. They both suck bad, IMHO, and since they will each eventually corrode to the point where I am at now, having two installations will give me a certain flex. And before some clown suggests it, I'd rather use a Speccy than XP....

btw, a different machine for each of those OS's? You have enough space to do this?
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