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Old 20 February 2015, 03:47   #50
Join Date: Dec 2014
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Originally Posted by john1979 View Post
An A1200 + Fast RAM would probably have the necessary speed and graphics capability to do Outrun properly.

I am surprised no-one has mentioned the Saturn version. A port extremely faithful to the original which doubtless doesn't push the Saturn very hard.
The author of Cannonball mentions on his blog that the Saturn version is arcade perfect, uses the same code as the original with many of the bugs of the original having been fixed.

An A1200 would come closer to give justice to Outrun indeed but the machine is not without its limitations so it's hard to determine how far from Arcade perfect a conversion or port would be. The only way to know is to write it.

Originally Posted by Decker View Post
Since nobody already addressed this: Bullcrap. I'm playing them side by side, and Outrun doesn't throw around any more stuff than Lotus 2 in Snow, City and Desert tracks. And the frame rate doesn't dip.

Lotus 3 chugs along a bit. But still manages to be double the speed of Outrun while exceeding the amount of sprites (just from a glance, that is). Besides, regardless of the number of sprites on the screen, it's NOT wrong to compare a nice fast driving game to like Lotus to OutRun, if only to underscore what a POS the latter is.

Outrun: [ Show youtube player ]
Lotus 2: [ Show youtube player ]
Oh, you are comparing (rotten) apples and oranges.

Outrun Amiga runs at the frame rate of the youtube of the video only when played on accelerated Amigas.
On a plain old A500, it is almost a slide show, this video is much closer to the reality of it: [ Show youtube player ]. (And boy, I cringe every time I hear this ridiculous sampled presentation. My instincts take over and I start digging a hole in the ground in order to hide. )

Also, what we are comparing it to is the Arcade version which boast plenty of large and quickly moving sprites, see for yourself how it compares with LotusIII:
[ Show youtube player ]

Fast isn't it?

Last edited by Nekoniaow; 20 February 2015 at 04:26. Reason: Also replied to Decker to avoid back to back posts.
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