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Old 11 February 2015, 19:14   #17
CaptainM68K-SPS France
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Originally Posted by Nekoniaow View Post
The difficulty of OutRun does not lie in the "generic parts" which are the ones the Canonball author kept converted as-is while he did a lot of adaptation work on the hardware specific ones. The difficulty lies in moving as many bobs on screen as possible while keeping a descent framerate. Alas, using the Canonball C++ code does not help there.
Because BEFORE writing the C code, he has ressourced the ASM program and commented it.

Before having any difficult to move as many bobs, there is a problem with the way the graphic system is working. there is a big work in this field to do, before wanting to get bobs moving on screen.

Outrun is clearly a level or two above LotusIII. I have been thinking of re-making it for quite some time but that's frankly not the game I would start with, it's one of the hardest (with AfterBurner) to convert without butchering it. Also if I started working on it, I would definitely ask for an official license.
Lotus III is excellent, but you'd need 64 colors on screen at least to get the grip with outrun original graphics.

There is a work to do on the original assets BEFORE starting to work on the conversion.

Regarding Super Hang On I must disagree with hewitson, it's really bad. It's not even 20 fps, probably more like 15. The controls are lagging and imprecise, the graphics are bad and not faithful at all to the original and the sound is horrendous. The other riders keep jittering left and right constantly and do not drive in the smooth trajectories they have on the Arcade which shouldn't be that hard to code.
super hang on is an atari ST port, what did you expect ?

I bought the original recently on EBay because I wanted to have a clear conscience and because I wanted to analyze it but I found it even worse than what I remembered from the old days.

I must say that I agree with you (hewitson) that Space Harrier feels unfinished, it has a ok look (but frankly an A500 can do better) but the controls, O dear lord do they suck.
space harrier is very good, circa 1989. Amiga programming went ahead than that, with new tricks.

Last edited by dlfrsilver; 11 February 2015 at 20:44.
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