Thread: Amiga CD1200
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Old 04 April 2003, 16:09   #8
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Originally posted by 7-Zark-7
Interesting idea, & it probably was one that might've been considered by R & D,who knows? However, you've got to remember by the time of the CD32's release commodore was near enough to being broke with the console being launched as its "saviour".
Too many kiddies were already converted to Snes's & megadrives ,& looking to Saturn's etc. in Commodore's last bastions throughout europe,& it was intended to try & relaunch itself in territories where it'd either dissappeared from mainstream markets or was struggling to survive in,(eg: U.S., Australia etc.)
Unlike the CDTV, this was pushed as a genuine games console, but of course publishers were reluctant to invest resources into a company's machine which they thought was unlikely to be around in a year's time, hence many A1200 floppy ports with an extra CG intro, whoopee. Too little too late, no marketing & with the Gould's etc. of CBM's top brass having sucked the company dry & riding off into the bahamas sunset.
Like most companies who either stumble into or have vision enough to make a profitable product , commodore milked their products for all they were worth and stopped spending on R&D. This always ends up biting you in the ass sooner or later.
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