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neoman 21 July 2013 15:52

Questions on C2P using blitter only
Hi there,

I want to create a (...my first, excuse me if I'm ignorant =p) C2P, which exclusively uses the blitter because I want to fully use the CPU to calc the screen. Basically I ported a 8x8 grid engine which maps and interpolates a 128x128x4-bit texture on a 8x8 grid. Used for roto zoomers, wobblers, tunnels and all these nerdy 2D demo effects =p

Now to my idea, resolution is 320x256:

Original texture:


abcd efgh ijkl mnop
qrst uvwx yzAB CDEF

The texture will be prescrambled like this (yeah I know, this needs memory):


a000b000 c000d000
0e000f00 0g000h00
00i000j0 00k000l0
000m000n 000o000p

q000r000 s000t000
0u000v00 0w000x00
00y000z0 00A000B0
000C000D 000E000F

I always set 4 pixels at one time, so mov.w + 3* or.w. This results in:


aeimbfjn cgkodhlp
quycrvzD swAEtxBF

The end result should be:


aeim quyC
bfjn rvzD
cgko swAE
dhlp txBF

To get to the end result I want to use 4 blitter operations, using the minterm


D = (A & C) | ((B>>4) & (~C))
Following the blitter settings, one for each of these 4 operations (src = chunky source data, dst = planar dest data):


BLTCDAT = $f000, $0f00, $f000, $0f00
BLTAPT  = src + 0, src + 0, src + 1, src + 1
BLTBPT  = src + 2, src + 2, src + 3, src + 3
BLTDPT  = dst-planeA, dst-planeB, dst-planeC, dst-planeD

And some misc. blitter settings:


BLTDMOD = -1 (hmm, since with each blitter read/write this
              results in just one byte worth of bitplane data,
              I want to move back one byte)

Calculating the duration the blitter would need:

(8 cycles * 256 lines * 20 words * 4 blitter operations) / 7.09 (PAL Frequency) = 23,1086 msecs

The timing without blitter setup and that stuff for sure. Unfortunately it needs a little bit more than time for a frame, so this will display with half the framerate =/

What do you think? Completely senseless? What I tried was omitting the first passes by using a prescrambled texture. I want to use double buffering of course, so the blitter is merging/displaying while the CPU is calcing the new screen. I'm aware of the MOVEP instruction but since I'm on 68020 (without turbo) I cannot use that.

Thanks for some opinions.

neoman 21 July 2013 18:15

I just noticed, BLTSIZV may not be big enough for that resolution so I would have to stick to 256x256 or add a swap pass before, so I'm able to write a full word of bitplane data (witout having BLTDMOD = -1).

Kalms 21 July 2013 22:14

You are on the right track. There are a couple of things which you need to consider though.

The blitter is reading and writing words. These memory accesses have to be to even word addresses. You can't make the blitter write misaligned words.
If you want the blitter to write a smaller unit than a word, then you need to read from the output area and include that into the blit operation as another masking step. You are out of blitter channels in your case so you can't do that in any sensible way.

Blitter performance when you have two active source and one active destination DMA channel is about 40kB/frame on a stock A1200. If you run ordinary CPU code at the same time then it shares chipmem bandwidth with the blitter - so both the CPU code and the blit operation will run correspondingly slower.

When you do a merge operation such as the one you described above then you need to be able to shift sometimes to the left, and sometimes to the right. You shift to the left by performing a descending blit. In your example you would do blit #1 and #3 ascending, and blit #2 & #4 descending.

Given the above (particularly the 'blitter always reads and writes words') your current dataformat will require you to do two blitter passes; one with 4-bit shift length and another with 8-bit shift length.

You can get rid of the 8-bit blitter pass by doing it in the CPU or by using MOVEP writes (this works on all machines except 68060, and do consider, MOVEP.W to chipmem will do twice the number of write accesses than a normal MOVE.W) or by having longword-pixel-sized prescrambled textures. Or perhaps in other ways.

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