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-   -   A page detailing *all* different SWOS releases and having them downloadable (https://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=1247)

MethodGit 31 August 2001 16:06

A page detailing *all* different SWOS releases and having them downloadable
What I mean is that I have come across numerous Amiga game sites and they have never closely examined their copies of SWOS to detail on what version it is or anything - they just slap it onto the site and nothing else. I have even come across sites that claim to have the '96-'97 edition when really it's the Euro '96 edition. Imbeciles. :mad

It would be nice if there was a website that explained everything about the various SWOS releases as well as allowing you to download all of them.

It is easy to tell the different versions from one another by the title logo. If there's a blank space between the words "World" and "of", then it's one of the early versions. If there's a ball with the numbers "95-96" or "96-97" (or "97-98" if you use the 97-98 patch from Aminet), then, well, you know what I mean. If it's a flag with an image of a football surrounded by yellow stars (which represent the United Nations logo I think), then it's the European '96 edition.

Speaking of SWOS, I was trying out Codetapper's pre-installed version of SWOS 96-97 and noticed something bizarre. Although the title logo has the "96-97" ball, when you look at the miniaturised logo in the menus, it shows the "Euro 96" flag. Was the version Codetapper used to make the Action HD archive modified in some way, and files from two different versions have been mixed together? I know something's wrong because I tried a pre-installed JST version of '96-'97 (which I also have) and the menu graphics were correct for that version. It's menu bar layout was also different to the Action WHD edition.

I am hoping that Galahad will find the time to support the coverdisk demos of SWOS as well in his patch. All of them are different to one another, and I think they feature things you won't find in the full versions. ;)

Also, if anyone wants me to, I can upload what appears to be a very, VERY early version of SWOS which was cracked by "Code Engineers". I found it on "Amiga Emulation Universe" (http://amigaemulationuniverse.cjb.net). There is no sing-a-long intro in this one (unlike the other editions) - it just goes straight to the title and game. It also plays the music from the coverdisk demos. I suppose the TOSEC team will be interested in it, anyhow. Here are some screenshots of this early edition. Notice the copyright line in the intro screen. (If it's too dark for any of you to see the line in the screenshot, let me know and I will try to alter the colors a bit to make it more visible.)

Also, Jaybee (creator of Amiga In A Box, click here for more info) made an HDF of a customised version of SWOS which was once available on the site's message board. It uses the '97-98 graphics (from the patch on Aminet) and features the '00-01 team data available at Jambo. If anyone wants to try it out I can upload it for you. :cool Or you can ask Jaybee himself for it if you want.

Removed screenshot

ptrchiappe 31 August 2001 16:26

Re: A page detailing *all* different SWOS releases and having them downloadable

Originally posted by MarzAttakz
If it's a flag with an image of a football surrounded by yellow stars (which represent the United Nations logo I think), then it's the European '96 edition.
Well i believe that it's the European Union flag you're talking about (after all it's the European edition).

The United Nations doesn't have stars in it, it has a world map and a "Laurus" crown (i don't know the english word, so i put the latin one) and they're white.

Amiga1992 31 August 2001 18:17

This thread ws not supposed to be in Games request, MarzAttakz. So I moved it

Jambo 31 August 2001 19:30

You can download the AIAB box version of SWOS from :

http://aiab.emuunlim.com/testing/SWOS-HD.zip (1.50mb)

James (of AIAB) says :


Im keeping quiet about this, as I dont really have permission to use it (hence its not an AIAB 'add-on').

Either way, I figured its about time something like this existed, so put it together. Check the text-file
for more info ;)


Twistin'Ghost 31 August 2001 21:32

Just a note: to use the above link, you'll have to right click and Save As that way, since just clicking on it will merely open a new window and take you to the AIAB front page.

Shatterhand 01 September 2001 06:04

This early version Marz talks about is actually a Beta version of SWOS, and it was supposed to be distributed only to magazines (Thus proving the link between mags and pirates)

In this version, the goalkeeper of computer teams are nearly unbeatable (although the keeper of human teams are normal), if you press W in the middle of a match, the game would end, and 2 goals would be added to the final score of the human team, and 1 goal to the computer team (So, for example, if the game was 1-1 , and you press W, the final score would be 3-2 to your team).. this "cheat" didin't work in 2 players mode.

If you play a long tournament (or play in the carrer mode), the players names change with time (And then you'll see weird names like "Eroc Cintona" on Manchester United or "Remaria" in the brazilian national team). Also playing the game for a long period of time would end in a crash (No guru, the game just crashes)

The goals of your players aren't counted in the "Top goalscorers" menu.

I have this version in 3 1/2 disks, shame my amiga isn't working anmore.. :((((

Amiga1992 01 September 2001 22:17

Shatterhand, we must get to an arrangement so you send me those disks, I dump them, and send them back to you. We must talk about this :)

MethodGit 02 September 2001 16:26

I don't think the latest SWOS install by Galahad can be considered a *final* release. There's still plenty of editions that he could try to fix:
  • Beta/Pre-release (cracked by Code Engineers)
  • The One Coverdisk Demo (October '94)
  • Amiga Power Coverdisk Demo (November '94)
  • Amiga Format Coverdisk Demo
  • Sensible World Of Moon Soccer (Amiga Action Coverdisk Demo)
  • The One Demo/Update Disk
  • Amiga Action Demo/Update Disk
  • Amiga Format Demo/Update Disk (I don't have this disk myself, but GAGE reckons it exists)
  • Original Demo/Update Disk (I mean the disk that people could order for directly from Renegade by signing some card or something - I remember reading about this in AP, anyway. Don't know if there's anything about this that's different to the magazine update disks.)

All the coverdisk demos have custom teams and other stuff that probably don't exist in the full games. ;) And SWOMoonS is, as the title suggests, set on the Moon, and features alien-named teams.

(Slighty off-topic: Is Galahad assigned to examine all the Sensi games? He's been involved in the Cannon Fodder and Sensible Golf installs after all.)

According to the SWOS (first release) page at GAGE (click here), the WHDLoad patch should be able to load the Beta/Pre-release edition, but I tried this and it failed dismally to accept it - I receive a "Line 111 Emulation" error or something like that. Does it mean that the patch wants to load a Pre-release version that isn't cracked?

Anyhow, do any of you have several, if not all, versions of Sensible Soccer on you? Here are all the possible releases, according to GAGE:
  • Sensible Soccer v1.0
  • Sensible Soccer v1.1 (Floppy & CD³²)
  • Sensible Soccer International Edition v1.2 (Floppy & CD³²)
  • Sensible World Of Soccer Beta/Pre-release
  • Sensible World Of Soccer v1.0
  • Sensible World Of Soccer v1.1 (Full version)
  • Sensible World Of Soccer v1.1 (Demo/Update Disk)
  • Sensible World Of Soccer '95-'96
  • Sensible World Of Soccer European Edition '96
  • Sensible World Of Soccer '96-'97 (Full version)
  • Sensible World Of Soccer '96-'97 (Update Disks)

Yes, I know that some of these can be found at some Amiga games sites, but I much prefer to examine and play around with a detailed collection in which I know what's what. :cool

TikTok 02 September 2001 17:23

If you are really intent on finding all versions, you could try looking at the TOSEC dat files; they may contain info about versions that you haven't found yet. The RomCenter ones are the most human-readable IIRC.

Also, if you run the disks you download through ClrMamePro or similar, you will be able to find out exactly what you have without waiting for people to upload your requests. You might even find versions that aren't in the dat file or that are quite rare on the net. Certainly I haven't seen many of the update disks around (as opposed to the full version) for example. Then you could contribute something whilst still completing your Sensi Soccer collection :)

CodyJarrett 03 September 2001 19:13

SWOS Versions
I've uploaded three versions of SWOS for use with Galahad's installer. They are from original disks. They are 95-96, New Improved and 96-97. The files are not in ADF format, but they can be used directly with the WHDLoad installer.

I'm not sure how each version equates with the versions listed in Galahad's installer:

SWOS v0.9 94-95 2 Disk version
SWOS v1.1 94-95 2 Disk version
SWOS 95-96 2 Disk version
SWOS UPDATE 95-96 2 Disk version
SWOS v1.0 94-95 2 Disk version
SWOS EURO96 95-96 2 Disk version
SWOS v1.52 (v1) 96-97 2 Disk version
SWOS v1.52 (v2) 96-97 2 Disk version* F I N A L

Can we try and collect all the versions? Only originals, please...

CodyJarrett 07 September 2001 11:56

Well, since no-one replied, here is more info!

If you decrunch the RNC file called 'swos2' on the disks, it tells you the version number.

Here is the information of the three SWOS versions that I uploaded.

New Improved

Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Sensible Software (23/5/1995)
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Chris Chapman (23/5/1995)
(23/05/95 11.30PM) ASM 23/5/1995


Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Sensible Software (18/4/1996)
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Chris Chapman (18/4/1996)
(18/04/96 21.50) ASM 18/4/1996


Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Sensible Software (6/11/1996)
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Chris Chapman (6/11/1996)
(06/11/96 13.55) ASM 6/11/1996

So, looking at Galahad's listing of SWOS versions:

SWOS v0.9 94-95 2 Disk version
SWOS v1.0 94-95 2 Disk version (version 81??)
SWOS v1.1 94-95 2 Disk version (version 81??)
SWOS 95-96 2 Disk version (version 144)
SWOS UPDATE 95-96 2 Disk version
SWOS EURO96 95-96 2 Disk version
SWOS v1.52 (v1) 96-97 2 Disk version
SWOS v1.52 (v2) 96-97 2 Disk version (version 152 v2)

My 95-96 above (or version 144) seems to be the first SWOS 95-96 above. My 96-97 (or version 152 v2) is the final version above. The New Improved (or version 81) should be either v1.0 or v1.1...

So, any other versions from original disks?

nutski 18 February 2002 19:29

I`ve got an original update disk here from renegade which got posted thru after i sent off the registration card, disk lable says New Improved SWOS - Registered User Update, gonna have to setup my a1200 to have a closer look at the disk.....

Galahad/FLT 18 February 2002 19:36

So let me know about your update disk when you setup, you `might` have a `lost` version!

nutski 19 February 2002 10:46

Might take me a bit longer than i thought to check the disk out, it seems like my 1200 motherboard has died on me, i`ll see what i can sort out and post back later

nutski 19 February 2002 13:13

Managed to get the A4000T up and running, here is the info from the file....

Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Sensible Software (22/5/1995)
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Chris Chapman (22/5/1995)
SWOS VERSION 80 (22/05/95 06.30PM)
ASM 22/5/1995

Galahad/FLT 20 February 2002 00:45

I suspect its the same as the first 95-96 version, but the final assembled date is different, can you up it to me at GLDFLT@AOL.COM so I can examine it?

Either ADF it and zip it, or warp it, makes no odds the protection system is the same for all versions.

Kowal 26 November 2004 01:18

I checked my versions of SWOS and i've some diffrences...

-- THE BLACK CAT -- (28/11/94 11.00AM) (28/11/1994)

SENSIBLE WORLD OF SOCCER 94-95 v1.0 [by Paradox]
Copyright (C) 1994 Sensible Software (6/12/1994)
Copyright (C) 1994 Chris Chapman (6/12/1994)
VERSION 61 (disk 1) 60 (disk 2)
(06/12/94 10.50PM) ASM 6/12/1994

SENSIBLE WORLD OF SOCCER 94-95 v1.0 [by Sunflex]
Copyright (C) 1994 Sensible Software (10/1/1995)
Copyright (C) 1994 Chris Chapman (10/1/1995)
VERSION 63 (DISK 1) 62 (DISK 2)
(10/01/95 05.00PM) ASM 10/1/1995

SENSIBLE WORLD OF SOCCER 94-95 v1.1 [by Zenith]
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Sensible Software (23/5/1995)
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Chris Chapman (23/5/1995)
(23/05/95 11.30PM) ASM 23/5/1995

SENSIBLE WORLD OF SOCCER 94-95 v1.1 Update Disk
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Sensible Software (23/5/1995)
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Chris Chapman (23/5/1995)
(23/05/95 11.30PM) ASM 23/5/1995

Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Sensible Software (1/12/1995)
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Chris Chapman (1/12/1995)
(01/12/95 11.35) ASM 1/12/1995

Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Sensible Software (18/4/1996)
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Chris Chapman (18/4/1996)
(18/04/96 21.50) ASM 18/4/1996

SENSIBLE WORLD OF SOCCER 96-97 [by Hellfire]
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Sensible Software (6/11/1996)
Copyright (C) 1994/1995 Chris Chapman (6/11/1996)
(06/11/96 13.55) ASM 6/11/1996

Cauterize 30 May 2010 17:50

6 year bump!

Trying to find more info on a disk I've just found inside a spare copy of SWOS i've jsut got hold of. A quick search brought up this thread, so here goes:


I don't currently have my Amiga handy to test this disk, but I should shortly. Until then, any further information on this disk?

Hungry Horace 30 May 2010 18:01

thats a standard update disk i think.

pretty sure i have a couple of those :P

capehorn 30 May 2010 19:23

You could phone the number and ask them :laughing

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