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serk118 24 April 2008 19:30

Hi ppl

I`m new to this forum & got a problem with httpget.c which wont download
the file from my or other sites & i`m not a socket programmer but rite now i need only this httpget.c to

email : serk118@hotmail.com
my msn : serk118@hotmail.com


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include <time.h>
//#include <clib/socket_protos.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

struct Library * SocketBase=NULL;

extern LONG CloseSocket(LONG d);
extern ULONG inet_addr(CONST_STRPTR);
extern LONG SocketBaseTagList(struct TagItem *tagList);
//typedef struct filehandle FILE;
/* general system / socket includes */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

/* internet socket stuff */
#include <netinet/in.h>

/* host name resolvation/database stuff */
#include <netdb.h>

//for perrors
#include <amitcp/socketbasetags.h>

//test sites
//#define TEMPLATE "http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif"
#define TEMPLATE "http://amigaworld.net/themes/default/images/logo-top.gif"

//#define SAVE_OUT //if you want file to be save in ram:
#define USAGE "URL/A"

int httpget(char * url);
int do_connect(char * name, int port);
void netperror(char * banner);

int Send_ALL(int sd,char *txt);

int main()
int rv = 20; /* default exit value */
char tmp[200];


if ((SocketBase = OpenLibrary("bsdsocket.library", 4)) != NULL)

//main call
rv = httpget(TEMPLATE);
printf("Usage: httpget " USAGE "\n");

if(SocketBase) CloseLibrary(SocketBase);
printf("\nConnection FAILED due to no TCP/SOCK");


* Let's define some useful routines for this application.

int printUrlFault(void)
Printf("Url has to have format: [http://]host.domain.net[:port]/path\n");
return 20;

//And finally to our `main' routines.

int httpget(char * url)
char buf[1024]; /*stack usage of program should fit in 4000 bytes of memory*/
char * p, * u; /* ^^^ in current program 1k local buffer is sufficient */
int i, port, sd,size=0,x=0;

#ifdef SAVE_OUT
BPTR fp;

printf("\nfile error");

* A URL may start w/ http:// or without it in this application.

if (memcmp(url, "http://", 7) == 0)
url+= 7;

if ((p = strchr(url, '/')) == NULL)
return printUrlFault();

if (*p == ':')
* user want's to access custom port/service.
u = strchr(p, '/');

if (u == NULL)
return printUrlFault();

if (u == p)
printf("No port/service defined\n");
return 20;
* But now, I'm too lazy to write full `getservbyname' query here,
* so only numeric port information will do

if ((port = atoi(p+1)) == 0)
printf("Given port not numeric\n");
return 20;
u = p;
port = 80; /* standard http -service port number */

*p = '\0';

if ((sd = do_connect(url, port)) < 0)
return 20;

*p = '/';
* I could have done a hack to write "GET " at position u - 4 and done
* a single send() call to peer. I don't know a hostname that fits in 3
* bytes and get positive answer from name server. Anyway, that would
* have been too `kludgy' way to solve the problem in this example.

i = strlen(u);
u[i++] = '\n'; ///* here it is safe to replace terminating NUL w/ '\n';

// Printf("\nSending `%s'\n",u);

//Send_ALL(sd,"HEAD "); if enable this than i get different output
Send_ALL(sd,"GET ");
Send_ALL(sd," HTTP/1.1 ");
Send_ALL(sd,"Host: www.biozombie.centelia.net\r\n");

if ((i = recv(sd, buf,sizeof(buf),0)) > 0)
// Delay(10);

#ifdef SAVE_OUT

#ifdef SAVE_OUT

if (i != 0)
return 20;

return 0;

//Stuff to make connection. Reuse freely.
int getSockAddr(const char * host,int port,struct sockaddr_in * addr)
int fsize=0;
struct hostent * remote;

if ((remote = gethostbyname(host)) != NULL)
memcpy(&addr->sin_addr, remote->h_addr, sizeof addr->sin_addr);
else if ((addr->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host)) == (unsigned long)-1)
return FALSE;

addr->sin_family = AF_INET;
addr->sin_port = htons(port);

return TRUE;

const int ONE = 1;

int inetconn (const struct sockaddr_in * addr)
int sd;

if ((sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
netperror ("socket");
return -1;

setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &ONE, sizeof ONE);

if (connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)addr, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)) < 0)
return -1;

return sd;

serk118 26 April 2008 18:52

its ok ppl the problem solve`d

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